May 2019
An off-the-shelf PIM system or a custom solution - what do you need?
An off-the-shelf PIM system or a custom solution - what do you need?

A question that often comes up in considering investment in a PIM system is whether an off-the-shelf system or a custom solution will best serve one’s needs.


However, the choice is not always as either/or as it may seem.


» Learn about the pros and cons - and why choosing a PIM system is like choosing a car.



Five crucial questions you need to answer before choosing PIM

[FREE GUIDE] Five crucial questions you need to answer before choosing PIM

This white paper is a guide for those who are considering investing in a PIM system.


The white paper provides:

  • An overview of all the channels you must consider
  • Insight into how your work processes can be supported by PIM
  • Clarity on how your ERP must be connected with PIM
  • An overview of all the questions you must ask yourself to reach the solution that is right for you

Perfion PIM now available in Sana Apps!

Perfion PIM now available in Sana Apps!

We are proud to announce that Perfion is the first non-Sana developer releasing an official add-on within Sana Apps.


Now, all Sana Commerce 9.3 webshop users – both SaaS and on-premise – can install the Perfion connector in a few seconds, without touching any servers, settings, XSLT files, etc.

The combination of Perfion Product Information Management & Sana Commerce make out-of-the-box webshops burst with valuable product information. 

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Meet Perfion at an event near you!
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