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Boosting your WooCommerce Webshop Sales with PIM

Boosting your WooCommerce Webshop Sales with PIM

WooCommerce - The superior webshop for WordPress

As many of you will be aware, WooCommerce is an open-source WordPress e-commerce plugin that enables the efficient creation and management of online stores.Used by international businesses of all shapes and sizes, the first-choice WordPress webshop comes with a host of free features for the securing of payments, the configuration of shopping options, and more. The extensibility of the WooCommerce platform is undeniably one of its greatest strengths, with the optional integration of Stripe, Mailchimp, Paypal and other add-ons.

WooCommerce webshop issues

Providing the opportunity to manage and sell a host of digital and physical products, it’s little wonder that WooCommerce is the preferred choice of businesses across the world. However, there’s a real challenge when it comes to the manual updating of webshops featuring products with a variety of titles, descriptions, weights, colours, and other characteristics. Webshop owners run the potentially costly risk of errors when using a combination of Excel sheets and ERP systems for e-commerce management.

Other elements that have to be added in the creation of WooCommerce webshop listings include:

  • Media Files
  • Inventory
  • Shipping
  • Linked Products

Given the prospect of incurring heavy costs in terms of the time to market, you may be among those to have put off the opening of a webshop. Perhaps you’re worried about the negative impact of product data errors on the customer experience. Or, you may fear that sales will be lost if your webshop visitors aren’t able to find specific products or combine purchases in your online store.

A CMO's guide to e-commerce success with PIM

A CMO's guide to e-commerce
success with PIM

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Game-changing PIM eCommerce integration

The adoption of a Product Information Management (PIM) system can make all the difference. Such a system will enable you to make significant time savings and achieve consistency in the creation and updating of product data. You’ll be able to wave goodbye to the time-consuming and error-prone processes of manual adjustment and proofreading once you have a PIM online shop set up.

A best-of breed PIM solution like Perfion is the stand-out choice. Particularly well suited to the integrated management of large product ranges, this type of PIM offers superior flexibility, functionality, and independence in the management of WooCommerce for WordPress. There’ll be absolutely no problem keeping your webshop up to date and ensuring the quality of the online customer experience if you go with this PIM.

Functioning as a single source of truth, a best-of-breed PIM is designed for synchronisation and distribution across the full range of channels, so there’ll never be any doubt over which product information is correct. With easy configuration via an ecommerce API, you won’t be reliant on understanding of the data model within the PIM. Rather, your WooCommerce webshop will receive universally understood data, based on your configurations. This allows for the consistent importing and processing of supplier data, enrichment of product information, and updating of product text languages for international customers.

Check out some of the features of the Perfion ecommerce API:

  • Configurable from within Perfion
  • Supported entities: sites, products, categories, variants
  • Supports variants in any number of dimensions
  • Supports related products, images and attachments
  • Supports multiple languages
  • Allows for multiple shops. It even allows for shops with different configurations and shops set up in different E-Commerce Systems

Awesome WooCommerce PIM

The best-of-breed Perfion PIM gives you full control over the categorisation and display of information in relation to advanced search and filtering. Dedicated assortments and hierarchies can be set up within menus and categories, so that your visitors have no trouble finding their preferred products. Items can be grouped together in bundles, with related products being displayed for a desirable increase in sales. And the distribution of product data via such platforms as Amazon and Google Shopping is a breeze.

Perfion PIM allows for the easy management of essential webstore elements including product attributes, categories, locales, and currencies. With the unique Perfion eCommerce API, you’ll be assured of support and efficient multi-platform updates in line with your e-commerce needs.

A CMO’s guide to e-commerce success with PIM

A CMO's guide to e-commerce success with PIM

Learn how to create better online purchasing experiences for your customers.

This guide explains how a PIM system helps marketing:

  • Shorten time-to-market times in e-commerce
  • Easily add several languages to the online store   and other channels
  • Ensure uniform branding across all of the channels
  • Provide online store customers with perfect product data

Download guide