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How manufacturers update and publish extensive product data sheets in a flash

How manufacturers update and publish extensive product data sheets in a flash

There’s no denying the importance of product data sheets when it comes to the everyday running of your business. You may rely on such sheets for the distribution and sale of products via a range of digital channels. They might have to be produced as a key source of information for suppliers and investors, with the data being referred to in the writing of accurate and appealing product descriptions. However, the manual management of product data sheets may be giving you a headache.

The risks of separated systems

As a product manufacturer, you might have responsibility for the organisation of extensive product specifications in various languages. There’s a good chance that you’re using an ERP system, with product data being spread across enormous Excel sheets, web CMS systems and/or InDesign files. The sourcing of accurate and up-to-date product data from such separate systems could be causing you sleepless nights.

Of course you want to maintain your product data sheets, with details of the components, applications and benefits that will interest your customers. However, you wish that you knew how to write a product data sheet in the least possible time. It seems like there’s no other option but to update the data sheets manually if you’re to ensure compliance with relevant legislation and ensure that your customers aren’t misled.

Thankfully there is an effective time and money-saving solution.

Creating your product data sheet with a PIM

You can rely on a PIM (short for Product Information Management system) for the automatic transfer and publishing of product data. As a single source of truth, the ‘best-in-breed’ PIM enables you to manage accurate real-time product data, with streamlined connection to your data sheets. You simply select the desired items for the automatic transfer of data to a ready-made product fact sheet template within the PIM. This can greatly reduce the time-to-market for your new products, as all of the data is kept in one place. 

Catalogs, datasheets and price lists with PIM

How to publish catalogs, datasheets
and price lists in a flash
with a PIM system

Download guide


A best-of-breed PIM enables the rapid publishing of product data sheets, featuring:

  • Titles and descriptions (in different languages)
  • Prices (in different currencies)
  • Images
  • Product variations
  • Assembly instructions
  • Delivery times and shipping costs

The data sheets can be produced in a wide range of formats, including:

    • Adobe's PDF format
    • Web HTML & MHT formats
    • Microsoft Excel
    • RTF (Rich Text format)

 Seamless product spec sheet design

The creation of a spec sheet is a breeze with the PIM system’s template designer. You can make the data sheets with InDesign as well, allowing the product data from the PIM system to float automatically to the InDesign files. Your datasheets can also be tailored to the needs of different customers, with relevant currencies, images, text, and languages being featured. You’ll be amazed at the flexibility and accuracy of info sheet design when using a “best-of-breed” PIM.

There’s no need for time-consuming proofreading when using a PIM, as correct product data and images are automatically (or at the touch of a button) inserted in the right places. You can have complete confidence in your published data sheets as errors are corrected in one place and resolved automatically. Even data from the ERP and other integrated systems flows directly from the PIM to the datasheet. Perfion business users have been able to reduce the time spent on the creation of product data sheets from 90 minutes to 5 minutes.

Case study:
Time spent on creating a product sheet: Previously 90 minutes. With Perfion 5 minutes.

A case in point

Consider the example of AVK, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of valves, hydrants and accessories. The specialist manufacturers recognised the need to manage enormous amounts of product data across thousands of SKUs and 28 communication languages. This had proven an immense challenge, as product data was split between a central database and an ill-suited CMS system. Each specification sheet had been generated via an external ‘engine’ integrated with the CMS. And AVK were reliant on an external partner for updates to the setup.

PIM proved a game-changer, with the built-in publishing module allowing for the rapid and efficient production of accurate product data sheets. It has enabled the direct delivery of product information in the full range of languages to AVK’s public websites and data sheets. AVK have used the “best-of-breed” PIM for the creation of several thousand PDF data sheets, including essential product details.

Make PIM your tool of choice

If you’re keen to create order out of chaos with a single source of data for the rapid creation of product data sheets then it makes sense to follow the AVK example and go with PIM. Upon easy integration of the PIM system, you can soon be realising the benefits of automation, with data entry risks being minimised and quality being assured. Product data sheet management is sure to be a breeze no matter the number of languages or markets that you operate across.

Download your PIM guide

Catalogs, datasheets and price lists with PIM

Learn more in our guide 'How to publish catalogs, datasheets and price lists in a flash with a PIM system'.

Download guide