September 2019
How Product Bundling lands bigger sales
How Product Bundling lands bigger sales

Promoting multiple products as a single package is a useful tactic for retailers, and it can manifest in different ways.


The “value meal” is a great example of cross-selling, which is when you push related but independent items to customers. Up-selling is a similar tactic that urges patrons to opt for something bigger and better. Kitting, meanwhile, is true-blue bundling, wherein the customer truly needs all the separate parts to use any of them.


Product bundling is a technique that all retailers can learn from when it comes to vending their own items.


So, let's get into the details and explore how it can help you land more sales.

Jetzt bereit machen für den Verkauf bei Amazon
How you prepare yourself for selling on Amazon

Amazon is a paragon of boosting sales via cross-selling (“Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought” and “Frequently Bought Together”).


Do you want to know more about selling on Amazon?


» Download the guide "How you prepare yourself for Scandinavian Amazon”

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