Perfion Blog

How Santa Makes All Product Data Wishes Come True with PIM

The holiday season is a time for celebrating. Traditionally, it is a time when even the most unlikely dreams might come true. At office parties across the country and around the world, staff members from marketing, product development and IT often have long wish lists, and all too often it seems that meeting one department’s request means forgoing another's. But it doesn’t have to be like that.


Product Information Miracles in Marketing

The most frustrating issue facing marketing professionals is staying on top of changes in products and product data. Nothing is more embarrassing than developing an entire campaign, only to discover it is based on obsolete information. Consequently, the number one spot on marketing managers’ wish lists is often a single source of truth for product information. These staff members also long for the ability to update product data dynamically across channels, including catalogs, price lists, websites and e-commerce platforms, without ever worrying whether information and images are up to date.

Product Manager's Data Dreams

Product managers regularly spend far too much time on routine, task-based activities, rather than using their skills and talents to maximize success at each stage of the product lifecycle. Most dream of having an easier way to manage product data, making it possible to bring new products to market faster.

Wish List of the IT Manager

More than anything, IT professionals want standardized systems that can deliver synchronized data anytime and anywhere it is needed. Wish lists go on to imagine a world where their system can handle constant changes and revised requirements without incurring additional expense. In this world, the platform integrates with other IT solutions, making it possible to offer users a single source of information.

Making Dreams Come True

Santa knows that the best presents make everyone happy, checking off items on all of the wish lists rather than a select few. When it comes to comprehensive organizational solutions, Santa relies on advanced product information management (PIM) platforms that have something for everyone.

Quality PIM systems provide a single source of truth for product information, which is a priority for members of the marketing department. These platforms permit product managers to manipulate and manage product data easily through every stage of a product’s lifecycle. PIM systems even meet the must-haves on IT's list, offering a standard solution that integrates completely with the company’s existing landscape.

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