September 2019
Narrowing your PIM solution search: Best-of-Breed or e-commerce?
Narrowing your PIM solution search: Best-of-Breed or e-commerce?

When product files and data are sprawling across your scaling e-commerce business, you know it’s time to invest in a tool that will bring it all together to increase efficiency.


The first challenge is deciding which type of tool you actually need.


For e-commerce marketers, Product Information Management (PIM) solutions are often a good choice. But once you’ve decided to invest in a PIM system, you still need to decide which type of solution is best for your needs — a best-of-breed system or an e-commerce PIM?


Perfion integration with OXID eSales

Perfion integration with OXID eSales

Manage and record all product information in the Perfion PIM System and automatically publish the information in your OXID online shop.


With the Perfion-2-OXID connector you get the optimal solution for central product data management and seamless connection to your OXID eSales shop. In this way, product data can be transferred to the web shop without any loss of information.


The Perfion-2-OXID connector was developed by Perfion partner ESYON GmbH.

Maximize your e-commerce customer experiences with this free guide
Maximize your e-commerce customer experiences with this free guide

If you want to learn more about maximizing e-commerce customer experiences with more organized product information, download our free guide.

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