Perfion Blog

Perfion 5.0 - The new era for Product Information Management

Perfion 5.0 - The new era for PIM systems

April 26, 2022 -- The launch of Perfion 5.0 will resonate through the PIM market.

For many years, companies have been able to manage their digital product information quickly and efficiently with the Perfion Product Information Management (PIM) system, along with a number of other PIM solutions, each with their different strengths. With Perfion 5.0, the company of the same name is now taking the PIM concept to an unprecedented level, in terms of both functionality and user experience.

Over the last 20 years, the Perfion PIM system has undergone tremendous development and today takes center stage among the strongest players in the international best-of-breed PIM market.

In 2021, the Perfion PIM system was officially recognized as one of the leaders with the categorization as Vendor of Merit in Ventana Research’s Value Index for PIM systems.

In the 2020/21 financial year, Perfion presented record profits for the second year in a row.

The New Perfion 5.0 – A revolution in the PIM world

The strong growth in recent years has only whetted Perfion's appetite. With an increase of 58% in the number of employees in 2021 alone – including a large proportion of software developers – the Perfion PIM system has been further developed into something that has not yet been seen from other providers.

Perfion CEO Jan Nørret explained:

"There are many really good product information management solutions on the global market. To succeed, you must stand out and offer something that others can't. With the launch of the new Perfion 5.0, we’re doing just that. After many thousands of hours of development and an intense testing process, we are ready with a PIM solution that exceeds everything we have seen so far in terms of functionality and user-friendliness. I would actually call it a bit of a revolution in the PIM world."

How Perfion Works? See it now:

How Perfion works? See it now.
Increased digitization makes PIM systems necessary

As digitization increases, both businesses and private consumers are buying more and more products online. Competition for customers is fierce, and the companies that can present products in the best possible way, with comprehensive product information and the least possible consumption of resources, perform best in the race for customers. Therefore, the business-side demand for PIM systems to manage digital product data quickly and efficiently has increased significantly.

"Never before have companies had so much need for effective product information management systems as now, and the demand for PIM has, because of the COVID19 epidemic and other factors, grown explosively in recent years. The need to be able to present products online and on all channels at the same time is enormous. Many choose the Perfion PIM solution because of its standard integration with ERP, e-commerce and print publishing solutions. This integration makes it possible to publish all types of product data on the company’s sales and marketing channels immediately. Companies that don't make timely investments in effective solutions to present and exchange good product data will find it difficult to keep up with their competitors. With the new Perfion 5.0, we give them all the possibilities," said Nørret.

About the Perfion PIM solution

Perfion PIM is an easy-to-use, no-code Product Information Management solution, serving as the Single Source of Truth for product information. With Perfion, all kinds of organizations manage product data in one place and from here seamlessly push it to their print and digital publications, apps, online stores, data pools, and websites. Perfion is open to integrate completely with existing IT-platforms and handles continuous changes in requirements without extra cost.

Perfion offers easy integration to a number of platforms and applications, including Microsoft Dynamics AX, NAV, and 365 (out-of-the-box integration), SAPCMS systemse-commerce systems like e.g. Sana CommerceMagento CommerceShopifyUcommerceOXID eSales, and more, Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Adobe InDesign and others.

About Perfion, the company

Founded in 2002, Perfion is now a global company with headquarters in Denmark and offices in the United States, GermanyBenelux and the United Kingdom.

Learn more about Perfion 5.0

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Your contact for more information about Perfion 5.0:

Jan Nørret

Jan Nørret, 
CEO, Perfion

Contact Jan Nørret