Perfion Blog

Perfion is among fastest growing companies for second year in a row

Perfion is among Denmark's fastest growing companies for second year in a row

 Perfion has been elected Gazelle Company 2016, which means that Perfion is amongst the elite of Denmark’s fastest growing companies. The Gazelle title is very prestigious and demands that a number of strict growth criteria are met.

For the second time, Perfion has in 2016 been elected Gazelle Company by the Danish financial newspaper "Dagbladet Børsen", one of Denmark's leading newspapers within business and economics.

We hereby position ourselves in the group of steadily growing Danish companies that prosper and create new jobs in a time when this is certainly needed.


Perfion focuses 100% on the development and sale of the Perfion Product Information Management system – a complete standard PIM solution for companies with many product variants and parts and a need for multi-channel, multi-language communication. 

With a Perfion PIM solution, that integrates with the company’s existing IT solutions, users can manage all product data - texts, technical data, files, images, video, etc. – from one single place. Consequently, they will gain full control of all product information on every sales and marketing platform.


Perfion’s Founder & CTO, Dick Brunebjerg, and CEO, Jan Nørret, about the recognition of being elected Gazelle:

Dick Brunebjerg and Jan Nørret are proud that Perfion is among the fastest growing Danish companies"We are extremely proud that Perfion is among the fastest growing Danish companies for the second year in a row. An increasing number of companies need to leverage their product data optimally as a part of their business strategy - and these companies want Product Information Management solutions that offer first class standard functionality and the best Return on Investment.

The word is spreading every day that Perfion meets these criteria and this is of course among the reasons for our continuous growth. We can thank our skilled and dedicated employees for that."   


What does it take to be ELECTED GAZELLE?

Gazelle Companies are elected once a year by the Danish financial newspaper "Dagbladet Børsen". Only companies with the corporate forms A/S (Inc./Ltd) and ApS (LLC/LLP) are considered. In addition, a number of strict and clearly defined growth criteria must be met.  

Download OUR guide to choosing a PIM system

Guide: Five crucial questions you need to answer before choosing PIM

Are you considering a standard Product Information Management solution to manage data optimally as a part of your business strategy?

We can guide you through the decision process with our free whitepaper “Five crucial questions you need to answer before choosing PIM”. 

Download guide