Perfion Blog

Santa’s Well-Kept Secret – (Shhh! He uses a PIM system)

Santa’s Well-Kept Secret – (Shhh! He uses a PIM system)

At Santa’s workshop, the world’s largest producer and distributor of toys, and most likely the busiest place on Earth during December, Santa Claus and his elves are working hard to get all the toys right for children all over the world - anything to delight the children and meet their high expectations.

Colors, shapes, sizes, languages – Santa handles everything

At first glance, the workshop might appear hectic, but if you take a closer look, you’ll discover an order to this chaos.

Santa has managed to obtain an up-to-date overview of all information regarding the toys’, be it colors, shapes, sizes, descriptions, language translations, images and audio files, by getting his hands on a best of breed Product Information Management (PIM) system.

This must be the case, otherwise keeping track of all those wishes and toys would be completely unrealistic.

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right down your chimney!

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A PIM system ensures up-to-date toy information

Santa has realized how much easier things become when you have one source of truth for product information that seamlessly integrates with all his other business systems:

  • Wishlist Scanning System (WSS)
  • Child Relationship Management System (CRM),
  • Warehouse Management System (WMS) that holds all information on what toys are in stock on the endless shelves in the underground warehouse.

While the Wishlist Scanning system races through the wish lists during December, the Child Relation Management system is updated in real time, providing new information and making sure that only children with the property “nice” are added to Santa’s final list, while the ones with the property “naughty”must wait until next year – or the year after….

The PIM system allows Santa and his little elves to access all updated and relevant information on the toys, thus limiting the time running around in the workshop, double-checking whether the colors or the sizes of the teddys and doll’s houses are indeed correct.

Santa’s Well-Kept Secret –  (Shhh! He uses a PIM system)

Santa prints greeting cards directly from the PIM system

Finally, it’s time to load all the gifts into a bag and onto the sleigh. Now Santa easily prints personalized cards for the children directly from his PIM system and thereby ensures that all his gifts will be falling into the right chimneys.

Thanks to Santa’s efficient Product Information Management we can look forward to yet another merry Christmas.

Get your live demo right down the chimney!

Get your Perfion PIM live demo

The best way to learn how a PIM system can handle product information, is by seeing it with your own eyes.

Even if you are already using a PIM system, there might be features that you are not leveraging optimally yet.

Book a free online demo


Updated December 2021