Perfion Blog

Time-saver for Umbraco CMS users: Update product data automatically on all your websites

Blog-post_Umbraco CMS users_1600xIf you’re one of the 730,000 organisations that uses Umbraco worldwide, you’ll know the benefits of this impressive web content management system.

Fully customisable and open source, you can use Umbraco’s CMS to create the perfect website to suit your business needs.

Like all other web content management systems though, ensuring product data is manually kept up to date can be a chore.

This is where an effective Product Information Management system, or PIM, comes into its own.

Why you should consider Product Information Management when using Umbraco CMS

A PIM system lets you manage your product data in one place and makes it easy to push the correct information out to your marketing channels, including your Umbraco site.

If you’re using a wide range of sources to update your online product data, like data sheets, spreadsheets, and pricing catalogues, PIM can streamline your processes and make life simpler.

1. Automated online publishing with PIM saves you time

Updating product information in a website content management system, especially one as advanced as Umbraco, takes time. If you have many products available, you must ensure that all the data online is always correct.

A good Product Information Management system (for example, Perfion PIM) enables you to import information automatically from your PIM to your website pages. Automated online publishing means no more logging in and inputting data, letting your marketing or web team focus their efforts on growing your business.

Not only this, but a PIM means you can quickly update any additional assets on your Umbraco site too. Hollu Systemhygiene GmbH uses Perfion Product Information Management to update its product data. It took them 90 minutes to create a product sheet before Perfion; now it takes five minutes!

Find out more about the Perfion plugin for Umbraco CMS. →

2. Eliminating manual updating in Umbraco reduces the risk of errors - PIM vs CMS

While we all try our hardest to ensure the information on our websites is accurate, mistakes happen. A staff member might forget to update a specific page, use the wrong measurements when referring to a product, or take information from an inaccurate source.

This can frustrate your customers and cost time and money to put things right.

With Product Information Management, as only one source needs to be updated, the margin of error drastically decreases. Your team doesn’t have to update data manually in Umbraco CMS anymore, and any updates or revisions can quickly be pushed out to the right pages.

3. PIM makes managing international Umbraco websites simple

As one of the most flexible CMS systems around, Umbraco is an excellent choice if you want a solid global presence. But what do you do with your product data when you have a variety of languages, currencies, and measurements to deal with?

A PIM system means you have complete control of your data, making it easy to add extra language layers and handle different product data variants. With a product information system, looking after your data is facile… einfach… semplice!

PIM not only makes managing international websites simpler but also makes it easier to scale. You can upload complete additional data sets directly to your Umbraco website, without having to enter everything from scratch.

Efficient multilingual product data management

Efficient multilingual
product data management

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4. No more product feature modeling directly in Umbraco

Your customers demand an effective and efficient journey through your website. According to PwC, one third of customers will walk away from a brand if the customer experience isn't up to their standards.

As well as PIM eliminating the risk of inaccurate data, it also makes it easier to find the correct information. The data model you set up in your PIM system can be done by simple drag and drop.

What’s more, the data model can be reflected directly in Umbraco, meaning you don’t have to handle product feature modeling in Umbraco at all. Plus, the advanced search and filtering functionality makes finding the right products on your websites effortless.

The best PIM solution for Umbraco CMS users

The optimal Product Information Management system can integrate seamlessly with your Umbraco CMS and enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. This saves time, ensures accuracy, and most importantly, keeps your customers happy.

If you use Perfion PIM and Umbraco, our plugin makes it easier than ever to bring your data sources together and ensure the most up-to-date information appears on your website.

It’s fast, secure, and ensures accuracy at all times.

Find out more about the Perfion plugin for Umbraco CMS