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What Every CTO Should Know About Multichannel Marketing

What every CTO should know about Multichannel Marketing

Multichannel marketing might be the latest and greatest buzz phrase in marketing, but it's also one of the most valuable marketing trends of the digital age. 

Marketing across disparate global channels might seem challenging, but a host of new tools have come out to facilitate this complex digital marketing strategy. For example, smart analytics tools can garner valuable data to produce highly personalized target markets for any type of product or service. Likewise, today's sophisticated Product Information Management systems - PIM systems - can manage, update and distribute multichannel marketing product data and e-commerce product data to an unlimited number of international venues.

Here's a look at some of the IT infrastructure tools you'll need to help you effectively deliver your message across multichannel markets.

PIM System

A standard PIM system gives you a central point from which you can manage, update and change product information across all of your channels instantly, and in any language. This completely eliminates the risk of displaying outdated product data - a risk that can cost time and money.

Here's another plus: Because it can instantly update products across all your marketing channels, a PIM system can get your product online at a much faster rate, without the delays caused by time-consuming manual updates. One of the keys to successful selling is getting your product to the market as fast as you can, and speedier product updates can give you a huge edge over the competition.

When it comes to finding the best PIM system for your business, it's important to remember this: Too much customization isn't always a good thing. In many cases, it's not necessary to invest in an expensive, customized PIM system with all the bells and whistles, because a standard PIM system will provide every essential for your multichannel marketing needs. Plus, a standard PIM system typically comes with free automatic updates and maintenance, unlike a specially built and customized system.

Tracking Tools

It's crucial for brands to know where every click or download came from - and tracking tools can provide that information. In addition to basic conversion tracking, these tools can also provide in-depth analytics on profiles and behaviors - analytics valuable to strategies such as marketing segmentation and personalization. Tracking tools enable you to monitor the success of your multichannel ads through every facet of marketing - from ad clicks to mobile traffic.

ERP System

If you don't have a top-notch ERP system in place, it's time to invest in one. An ERP system provides you with an invaluable central database that you can integrate with all your other software - including your PIM system.

An ERP is literally a one-stop-shop that automates every aspect of your business - from sales, inventory, distribution and shipping to client and inner-office communications and finances. When integrated with a PIM system, the result is a fully automated operational system that handles everything from office, sales and distribution logistics to cutting-edge multichannel marketing.

In addition to these infrastructure tools, you and your staff can benefit from the wealth of software training courses offered by IT developers and consultancy firms. Whether you need to know how to manage product data better or how to use PIM for e-commerce, you can eliminate a time-consuming learning curve by getting expert training in utilizing all the features and benefits of your PIM system, tracking tools and other software programs.

Plus, it's also a good idea to invest in training courses for ERP management systems. Whether you need to know how to manage product data in Dynamics NAV or how to install a product data plugin for Dynamics AX (both popular Microsoft ERP programs), you and your staff can greatly benefit by learning how to optimize your ERP system's capabilities.

Thanks to the unlimited potential of multichannel marketing, businesses have a unique opportunity to increase sales and boost ROI more quickly than ever before, but it's important to have the right tools from the get-go. The key to effective multichannel marketing is to invest in an IT infrastructure that will set you and your company up for success.

Learn more about PIM-Systems

Guide: 5 Crucial Questions You Need to Answer Before Choosing a Product Information Management SystemWould you like to know more about how a Product Information Management system helps you manage and update product data?

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'5 Crucial Questions You Need to Answer Before Choosing a PIM System'

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