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How Product Bundling lands bigger sales

You were looking for a new laptop, a basic one, not too expensive and nothing fancy. And yet you find yourself leaving the store with a wicked gaming PC with all the bells and whistles. First of all, the seller convinced you to upgrade to a...

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What is PDM?

Product Data Management (PDM) is an information system that facilitates the management of product data. In essence, you can use a PDM system as a central repository for your enterprise's design, engineering and manufacturing data.

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PDM and PIM: What Is the Difference?

At a first glance, Product Data Management (PDM) and Product Information Management (PIM) systems may look like the same thing, but they're not. PDM and PIM are two different things, but they can complement each other if used correctly.

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When is a PIM system not the right thing for you?

In today’s digital world, you need to simplify as many processes as possible, all while gaining greater control over your product data. In doing so, you can streamline processes, increase opportunities, and in turn become more profitable.

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